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In the Image above, you see a polar bear who is clearly malnourished and is starving to death. This severe starvation is forcing these bears to travel hundreds of miles into human civilization because they are so desperate for food. 


Arctic Climate change is something that is vital for us to pay attention to. Even though there is less human civilization there, humans are having more of an impact than scientists ever believed. The Arctic is going through drastic changes due to our everyday lifestyle. A lot of life is dying and there isn't enough time for these animals and plants to adapt to these significant changes and are down a path towards extinction. The Arctic climate was just the first indicator of our earth being impacted negatively and other signs have started to show. 




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Common Good Project - Brochure (1).jpg


“Arctic Climate Change.” WWF Arctic,


“Climate Change and the Arctic.” Marine Mammal Commission,


Goode, Erica. “Climate Change Denialists Say Polar Bears Are Fine. Scientists Are Pushing Back.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 10 Apr. 2018,


“National Snow and Ice Data Center.” Climate Change in the Arctic | National Snow and Ice Data Center,

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